A Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Custom Enterprise Knowledge Management System with AI Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies

This week, I’m going to teach you how to build a custom knowledge management app using Glide, specifically tailored for field sales teams.

In the fast-paced world of sales, having quick and easy access to information is crucial.

A tailored knowledge management tool can significantly enhance productivity, streamline processes, and ensure that your team has the information they need at their fingertips.

Unfortunately, many teams rely on restrictive software that doesn't meet their specific needs, leading to wasted time and resources. A custom solution can revolutionize your workflow.

Most people struggle with this because they either overcomplicate the process or settle for generic tools that don’t fully address their unique challenges.

A custom app can be a game-changer, but only if it’s built correctly from the ground up. The first step in developing a knowledge management system is understanding your team's specific needs and challenges.

Tailored solutions trump generic tools every time.

Takeaways from this article:

  • The importance of a tailored knowledge management tool

  • Step-by-step guide to setting up a Glide project

  • Best practices for structuring data with scalability in mind

  • Designing a user-friendly interface with filters and search

  • Customizing the app to match company branding

  • Benefits of a centralized, easily accessible knowledge base

Why Tailored Tools Matter

A tailored knowledge management tool can transform your sales team's efficiency. Generic tools often fail to meet the specific needs of field sales teams, leading to inefficiencies and frustration. By creating a custom app, you can ensure that all necessary information is easily accessible and organized in a way that makes sense for your team. This not only saves time but also empowers your team to perform at their best. Tailored solutions offer a competitive edge that generic tools simply can't match.

How to Start Your Glide Project

Setting up a Glide project is straightforward and requires no coding skills. Glide allows you to create powerful apps using a simple drag-and-drop interface. Start by signing up for a Glide account and choosing a template that suits your needs. Once you have a basic structure, you can begin customizing it to fit your specific requirements. Glide’s intuitive platform makes the setup process quick and easy, allowing you to focus on what matters most—your content.

To fast track getting setup with Glide, check out my FREE Nocoders ToolKit for Business → darrenalderman.com/download

Making Your Data Work for You

Proper data structuring is essential for scalability and efficiency. Begin by identifying the key pieces of information your team needs and organize them into logical categories. Use Glide’s data editor to create tables that reflect this structure. Think ahead to ensure that your app can grow with your team, adding fields and tables as necessary. A well-structured database is the backbone of a successful knowledge management app. Knowledge management tools and knowledge management technologies can help you streamline this process.

Designing a User-Friendly Experience

A user-friendly interface is crucial for quick information retrieval. Glide offers a variety of design options to help you create an intuitive layout. Use filters and search functions to make it easy for users to find what they need quickly. Consider the workflow of your team and design the interface to complement it. An effective design minimizes the learning curve and maximizes productivity.

Branding Your App for Consistency

Customizing the app to match your company’s branding enhances user experience and reinforces brand identity. Glide allows you to easily incorporate your company’s colors, logos, and fonts. This not only makes the app visually appealing but also ensures consistency across all company tools and materials. A branded app feels more professional and trustworthy to users.

The Power of a Centralized Knowledge Base

A centralized knowledge base offers numerous benefits, including cost savings and streamlined processes. By consolidating all necessary information into one easily accessible app, you eliminate the need for multiple, restrictive software tools. This not only cuts costs but also reduces the time spent searching for information. A centralized knowledge base empowers your team to work more efficiently and effectively. Enterprise knowledge management systems can be particularly beneficial in this regard, offering robust solutions for large organizations.


In this newsletter, you've learned the importance of a tailored knowledge management tool for field sales teams and the steps to create one using Glide.

Here’s a recap of what we covered:

  • Understand the importance of a tailored tool

  • Set up a Glide project

  • Structure data for scalability

  • Design a user-friendly interface

  • Customize the app to match branding

  • Enjoy the benefits of a centralized knowledge base

A custom knowledge management app can revolutionize your sales team's efficiency and effectiveness. Enterprise knowledge management and ai knowledge management systems can further enhance these benefits.

That’s all for now. Good luck out there.

See you next time.


When you're ready, here are three ways I can help your business:

1) Download my free Nocoder’s ToolKit for Business

New to Nocode or want to take your exisiting project to new heights? Download my free Nocoder’s Toolkit for Business. It’s packed full for min-course, guide, expert tips and tracks to ensure you’re off to a flying start. It has everything you need from building CRMs to Customer Portals. Over 500+ downloads and counting!

2) Book a Strategy Session with me

Are you tired of searching for answers and questioning your investments? Get unstuck with a coaching call to strategize and ensure your time and energy are focused on solutions that drive real results. My 5 years of experience, including numerous trials, errors, and over 10,000 hours creating high-impact tools for big businesses, are at your disposal.

3) Let Me Build it For You

Not getting the progress you deserve in your business? I'll work with you one on one to build a custom solution and together we'll grow your business. From streamlining and automating manual tasks to replacing bad software that’s holding you back — nothing is off limits here. Reply to this email with "HELP" so I can email you the next steps.


What is Glide and why should I use it for my sales app?

Glide is a no-code platform that allows you to create powerful apps using a simple drag-and-drop interface. It's perfect for building a custom sales app because it requires no coding skills and offers a variety of templates and customization options to meet your specific needs.

How difficult is it to set up a Glide project?

Setting up a Glide project is straightforward and user-friendly. You start by signing up for a Glide account and choosing a template that suits your needs. The platform's intuitive interface makes it easy to customize your app, allowing you to focus on your content rather than technical details.

Can I really create a custom app without any coding experience?

Yes, you can! Glide is designed for users with no coding experience. The drag-and-drop interface and pre-built templates make it easy to create a custom app tailored to your sales team's needs without writing a single line of code.

How do I ensure that my app is scalable and can grow with my team?

To ensure scalability, start by structuring your data logically and think ahead about the information your team will need as it grows. Use Glide’s data editor to create organized tables and fields that can be easily expanded. Proper data structuring is key to a scalable and efficient app.

What are the benefits of a centralized knowledge base for my sales team?

A centralized knowledge base consolidates all necessary information into one easily accessible app, reducing the need for multiple software tools. This not only saves costs but also streamlines processes and reduces the time spent searching for information. It empowers your team to work more efficiently and effectively.


How To Build A Custom Field Sales Management Software App In Just One Afternoon


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